2. Priority: Better manage your priorities by evaluating your practices with the best leaders. Start prioritizing with the Ivy Lee Method

Course Content
00:00 -
Video course: 2.0 introduction
02:20 -
Introduction: Action Plan
Module 1: Do you currently face any of these situations in your workplace?
Module 2: Develop Your Motivation
Module 3: An overview of the 5 best practices for effective priority management
Module 4: How To Make Good To-Do-Lists and Start Prioritizing Your Objectives Using Ivy Lee Method
Module 5: Summary and Action Plan
Quiz: Become a Certified Management Leader© with LMDI
Application & Exercices 2.1
Application & Exercises 2.2
Application & Exercises 2.3
Course #2: Congratulations
Course #2: Be part of the community of those who take action!
Student Ratings & Reviews
useful and easy understanding example.
Great course for long-term strategy for your career!
Thanks for practical tips.
I find it very helpful
Just completed a priority management course that exceeded my expectations. It taught the powerful Ivy Lee method for to-do lists, emphasized positive habits, and shared high-performance strategies. The focus on both practical and psychological aspects made it a game-changer for productivity and life balance. Highly recommend for those looking to transform their approach to daily tasks and achieve peak performance.
Great journey and fruitful knowledge. I will apply them immediately to my work next week.
This is good and valuable.
It is useful
It's a practical and useful course.
Love that.
very good
I love Ivy Lee method
Optimize priority management by benchmarking against industry leaders and implementing the structured and effective Ivy Lee Method to enhance focus and productivity
Course design is easy to following
Course design is easy to following
Thank you
Very good course with practical lessons.
Very good